Jefferson Airplane - Comin Превод текста
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I kroz otvoren prozor gde nije visila nijedna zavesa
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Čovek počne da čita između redova
Oblik uspavane muzike i odjednom si navučen
Kroz kišu po drveću, poljupce u letu
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Kako se vraćaš ka meni
Došla si da ostaneš, i živiš na moj način
Da seješ moju ljubav kao lišće na vetru
Uvek kažeš
Da nećeš otići
Ali ja znam šta je oduvek bilo
Oduvek je bilo
Jasno vidljiv san pod povremenim uzdahom
Najveći deo vremena samo pustim da prođe
Sada želim
Da nije ni počelo
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Da, video sam te
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Šetajući brdašcima
Gledajući preko obale
Shvatam da sam bio tamo ranije
Senka u izmaglici mogla je biti bilo ko
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Šta se uopšte dogodi sa željama koje se požele pod zvezdama?
Je li to samo bilo nešto što sam smislio iz zabave
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Kako se vraćaš ka meni
Још текстова песама из овог уметника:
Jefferson AirplaneСви текстови песама на овој веб локацији су само за личну и образовну употребу.
Сви текстови песама су власништво и ауторска права њихових власника или власника.
Више лирицс транслатионс
When You Leave
When you leave, all the good that is in me,
you take away with you.
When you leave, I fear that you'll never
return to me.
My love, I've understood that I need you,
that I wouldn't live alone like this for so long.
Time, you know, far away from you
is never enough for me.
At least tell me that the day will come
that I won't have to be separated from you
and that I will have you
close to me forever, love.
While when you leave,
everything dies around me,
never forget it.
My love, I've understood that I need you,
that I wouldn't live alone like this for so long.
Time, you know, far away from you
is never enough for me.
At least tell me that the day will come
that I won't have to be separated from you
and that I will have you
close to me forever, love.
While when you leave,
everything dies around me,
never forget it.
When you leave,
everything dies around me,
never forget it.
When you leave,
everything dies around me,
never forget it.
When you leave...
We shall glorify You
And we shall glorify and praise
And thank and fancy
And give you the crown, And give you the crown
And give you the crown, And give you the crown
And give You the crown
And we shall glorify and praise
And thank and fancy
And give You the crown, And give You the crown
And give You the crown, And give You the crown
And give You the crown
And we shall glorify and praise
And thank and fancy and thank and fancy
And we shall mention Your Name, and we shall mention your name
Our King, our G-d
And we shall mention Your Name, and we shall mention your name
Our King, our G-d
Bye Bye Monster
A monster
came to visit
our house
without warning
Everything stopped suddenly,
But by uniting we scared him away
Together, it's always easier to win
When monsters come and go
Bye bye monster, bye bye bye
Bye bye monster, bye bye bye
And we bid you goodbye, singing and dancing
There are monsters
of all colours
but courage
wins over fear
We didn't have a good time
We suffered, but we also learned
We are stronger and more patient
But we've had enough of you! Now shoo!
Bye bye monster, bye bye bye
Bye bye monster, bye bye bye
And we bid you goodbye, singing and dancing
Bye bye monster, bye bye bye
Bye bye monster, bye bye bye
And we bid you goodbye, singing and dancing
Bye bye bye bye bye bye, MONSTER!
Bye bye bye bye bye bye, MONSTER!
Bye bye bye bye bye bye, MONSTER!
Bye bye bye bye bye bye, MONSTER!
Don't come back anymore,
Bye bye, monster!
If a monster visits us again,
He shall find us ready to sing... MONSTER!
Bye bye monster, bye bye bye
Bye bye monster, bye bye bye
And we bid you goodbye, singing and dancing
Bye bye monster, bye bye bye
Bye bye monster, bye bye bye
And we bid you goodbye, singing and dancing
Don't come back anymore,
Bye bye, monster!
I've fucked it!
My darlin'...
A girl wakes me up
It's early in the morning
'Drink this coffee', she tells me, 'and leave already'
I dress in a hurry
The girl is nice
She helps me get to the door
And leaves me outside
Ai, ai, I've fucked it!
My darlin'...
I have a meeting
With 6 fine guys
All are friends of mine
Everyone knows
The public waits for us
On the other side
Tonight there's an orgy
And we'll go all out
Ai, ai, I've fucked it!
Tino's on the table
Marius won't leave me alone
It's just Romeo singing in a room with a fat girl
Edi's getting drunk
We're making a mess again,
Mugurel comes and says:
'It's not this one, chief!'
I've fucked it!